Reduce Your Risk of Running Injuries!
Did you know that 60-70% of all runners sustain running injuries every year?
We see such a high percentage of running injures because running is so easily accessible to everyone in every demographic. For instance, if you want to become a master runner, all you have to do is buy a pair of running shoes, put them on, and go for a run. You don’t need any other equipment, no fancy lessons, no gym required; and you can run almost anywhere. This lack of barrier to entry is also why the injury rate is so high. Many untrained and inexperienced runners take up the sport without a clear understanding of how they can be proactive and improve their chances of not getting injured.

There are certain things we can’t control when running– the weather, icy surfaces, tripping, dogs chasing us, getting hit on bike paths, etc. Therefore, no preparation will help avoid these types of injuries. However, we can control certain aspects of running that have been shown in studies to reduce our risk of injury.
Here are some things you can do to proactively prevent running injuries:
- Regular Strength training. This has been shown to reduce injuries, improve running economy, and improve speed.
- Cadence manipulation. This has been shown to reduce strain at the knee and the hips.
- Having a nearly vertical leg at touchdown. This accounts for 10% of a runner’s performance, and this is one of the easiest changes you can make to improve your running form.
If you are a runner or looking to take up running and do not want to become a running injury statistic, Sam and I can provide the guidance you need.
Call us today at 303-939-0004 or contact us here to have your running technique evaluated and learn what you can do to have years of pain-free running.